
Stopping Building the Terrace for Thriftiness The Western Han Dynasty was established as a centralized government after the fall of the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Wen, its fifth ruler, had the idea to build a terrace, but stopped its construction upon hearing that its cost equaled that of the assets of 10 middle-income families, regarding the project as a waste of money and a form of harassment for the people.
露台惜费 西汉(前206—25)是中国历史上继秦朝之后的中央王朝,汉文帝是西汉的第五位皇帝。他在位时,想建造一座露顶高台,得知需要花费百金之资,相当于民间十户中等人家的产业,觉得劳民伤财,于是停止露台之工,再不兴造。