2.1.2 About Global Sources
Global Sources is an internationally recognized B2B sourcing platform that has been driving global trade for more than 50 years.The company connects authentic buyers and verified suppliers worldwide with tailored solutions and trusted market intelligence through trade shows,digital platforms and magazines.
Global Sources pioneered the world's first international B2B e-commerce website,globalsources.com(Figure 2-2),in 1995 and today has over 10 million registered international buyers.Never resting on its laurels,the company launched Global Sources Electronics,Indonesia in 2019 to connect China with Southeast Asia market.It is also a major shareholder in the Shenzhen International Мachinery Мanufacturing Industry Exhibition(SIММ)- the leading machinery exhibitions in southern China - and its related shows.
According to globalsources.com,their vision statements are "to be the most trusted,customer-centric,multi-channel B2B trade platform" and "to enhance quality of life and mutual understanding across borders by promoting authentic global trade".Their mission statements are "to connect authentic buyers and suppliers worldwide,with tailored solutions and reliable market intelligence" and "to help customers meet the challenges of a changing world and seize new opportunities" .[2]

Figure 2-2 Global Sources Website