Based on the fundamental philosophical question of the possibility of freedom,this book provides an in-depth explanation of the construction of J.G.Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre. Taking this as the basis, it compares J.G.Fichte's theory of freedom and Karl Marx's theory of freedom,the latter takes the concept of“Gegenstandliche Tätigkeit”as the core, and shows the correlation between the two theories.
This book takes the construction of freedom as the logical context to analyze Fichte's two versions of Wissenschaftslehre:Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre(Foundations of the Entire Science of Knowledge) and Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo(Foundations of Transcendental Philosophy),and sorts out the basic elements,the logic of deductions and the final result of the system freedom of in this two versions. It points out that Wissenschaftslehre nova methodohas revised the basic components in the Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre,namely das Ich,das NichtIch and the relationship between them. This revision points to a theoretical purpose of defending the possibility of a theory of freedom. This book argues that Fichte's Ich-based theory of freedom is an attempt to leapfrog from the subject to the sensible world. It not only tries to overcome the dualism caused by Immanuel Kant's reservation of“thing-in-itself”, but also tries to make up for the theoretical defect that idealism has always been unable to go out of consciousness and reach the sensible world. In Fichte's attempt to connect the rational world and the sensible world,imagination is regarded as a bridge and a key by virtue of its“schwebend(hovering)”characteristic, and its importance has been greatly enhanced in Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo. The reason why the concept of imagination is of such importance in Fichte's theory is that Fichte believes that imagination,as an amorphous force,has freedom as its essence,which enables it to be able to interact between and shuttle between the intellectual world and the sensible world, unifying the two. The logic of Fichte's reasoning is based on his belief that freedom,as a transcendental ability,enables das Ich to transcend the realm of the subject and reach the sensible world.
However, the theoretical structure and the practical elements contained in Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre are overshadowed by the absolute“setzen”capacity of das Ich, and his successors, whether Schelling or Hegel,only focus on Fichte's concept of absolute Ich. After the period of the Young Hegelian, especially after absorbing Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach's theory of sensibility, Marx developed a similar model in his theory of practice. In the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, the multiple relations Marx established between sensible humans and nature centered on“Gegenständliche Tätigkeit”is structurally similar to the relationship between das Ich and das Nicht -Ich established in Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre. With the help of this structure, Marx established a model of the active subject as the implementer changing the natural world, in which the sensible human realizes his essence and freedom. This theoretical commonality arising from structural similarity proves that Fichte's theory of freedom has an influence on the practical philosophy of Marx.
Key Words:Freedom;Imagination;Gegenständliche Tätigkeit;Practice