第205章 《时代》年度人物竟然是她
In a divided world, where too many institutions are failing, Taylor Swift found a way to transcend borders and be a source of light. No one else on the planet today can move so many people so well. Achieving this feat is something we often chalk up to the alignments of planets and fates, but giving too much credit to the stars ignores her skill and her power.
在这样一个分裂的世界中,有太多的名人走向式微,而 Taylor Swift找到了一种超越国界的方式,成为光明的源泉。今时今日,全世界没有其他人能够像她那样让这么多人如此感动。我们常把达成这样的一个创举,归因于行星的排列和命运,但这其实过于强调了星相,却忽略了她的才华与实力。