第6章 BEES 蜜蜂
Look at that bee on the flower. See how it shakes its wings, and works with its little feet. Ah! it is off to another flower. It is working again!
Now it is off to another! How busy it is! It does not rest a minute in one place. It seems to have a great deal of work to do, and to be in haste to get it done.
Now let us go to the other end of the garden.
Do you see those little straw houses, which have no windows, and only a very small door?
They are the houses in which the bees live, and are called hives.
A great many bees live in each hive. See how many are going in!
When spring comes, and the flowers begin to bloom, the bees come out of the hives very early in the morning. They fly away, and gather the sweet juice out of the flowers.
The bee has a long tongue, which it thrusts into the flower, to suck up the juice. Then it carries the juice to the hive, and makes it into honey.
How many children do yon see in the picture? What are they looking at? What are bees' houses called? What are they made of? Why do the bees go out early in spring? With what does the bee suck up the juice?
flow'-er work'-ing min'-ute win'-dows blos'-som gath'-er
lit'-tle a-gain' gar'-den man'-y ear'-ly car'-ries
an-oth'-er bus'-y hous'-es be-gin' morn'-ing hon'-ey
wings juice shape thrusts
shakes haste sweet tongue
When a bee sets out in the morning to look for honey, it does not visit only the flowers near at hand. It goes very often more than a mile from its own hive; but it never loses its way.
When a shower of rain comes on, it takes shelter in some little hole in a wall, or perhaps among the leaves of a tree, or inside a large flower. When the sun peeps out again, it mounts up into the air, and flies swiftly home.
Bees gather not only honey, but also a kind of golden dust, from the inside of flowers. This dust they carry home on their hind legs. They use it to make bee-bread in the hive, as food for the young bees.
This dust they also use to make wax; and with the wax they build a great many little cells, all of the same shape, and all nicely fitted together.
They fill those cells with the sweet honey. The little waxen cells filled with honey are called the honey comb.
How far does a bee often go from its hive? What does it do when a shower comes on? What do bees gather besides the juice? What do they do with it? What else? What is honey comb?
oft'-en show'-er a-mong' swift'-ly gold'-en nice'-ly
los'-es per-haps' in'-side gath'-er car'-ry fit'-ted
near flies young great
takes large mounts leaves
One day a snail crawled into a bee-hive. The bees soon crowded about her in great wonder. They could not make out what the lady with the house on her back could want.
As she was very much in the way, creeping along the street of their busy little town, they tried to turn her out. But it was all in vain. They could not get her to go out of the hive.
At last they fell upon another plan. They sealed up all the edges of her shell with wax, and so fixed it firmly to the bottom of the hive. The poor snail could not move. She soon died, and did not trouble them any more.
What one day got into a hive? What did the bees try to do? What did they do when they failed? And what then?
crowd'-ed la'-dy a-long' an-oth'-er bot'-tom
a-bout' ver'-y bus'-y edg'-es troub'-ble
won'-der creep'-ing lit'-tle firm'-ly an'-y
snail town could died
crawled street fixed sealed