Chapter 1 The First Sculpture
When I was in kindergarten, I used to make a bird's nest with round eggs and a bird sitting on top out of clay. Perhaps you have made something similar.That was sculpture, but I didn't know it.
When I was older, in the winter I used to make a snowman with a scarf around his neck, two pieces of coal for eyes, and a carrot for a nose. That was sculpture too, although I didn't know it.
When I was still older, I used to take the soft part of a piece of doughy bread and shape it into a dog with a head, a tail, and feet. That was sculpture, although I didn't know it.My mother didn't know it either, so she sent me to my room for playing with my food.
So I was a sculptor until I was twelve years old-and I have never been a sculptor since.
But other boys and girls did not stop being sculptors when they became young men and women. Once upon a time a boy in a kitchen carved a lion out of a piece of butter and sent it to the table.He became a great sculptor when he grew up.His name was Canova1.I'll tell you about him later.
People have made sculpture ever since the world was young. But at first the sculpture