[词语]to eat Dunmow bacon/flitch
to deserve the Dunmow bacon/flitch
[趣释]【物事喻指】传说在1111年,英格兰(England)埃塞克斯(Essex)郡的邓莫(Dunmow)城有一名贵妇为了提倡社会夫妇和睦与家庭幸福,别出心裁地出了一道告示:凡是到埃赛克斯郡邓莫城的人,只要敢于跪在该城教堂门口两块锥形石头上,发誓说他一年到头没有跟妻子发生过口角,也没有过后悔当初结婚和想过独身生活的念头就可以得奖。奖品是一块邓莫城的腌熏猪肋肉(flitch of Dunmow/the Dunmow flitch)。此后,该城形成一种习俗,凡是一年到头夫妻从未发生口角的都可获得此奖。于是“奖励邓莫城腌熏猪肉”(to deserve the Dunmow bacon)或“吃邓莫城的腌熏猪肉”(to eat Dunmow bacon)被用来喻指夫妻和睦相处。“把腌熏肉带回家”(to bring home the bacon)被用来喻指获胜而归①。
[运用]They have never had a wry word in all their married life. They do indeed deserved the Dunmow flitch.他们俩结婚多年没有拌过一句嘴,确实应该得到夫妻和睦奖。
Those married couples who could prove that they hadn't argued or regretted their marriage for a year and a day are the Dunmow bacon. 能证明在一年零一天里没拌过嘴,也没对婚姻后悔的已婚夫妇称得上夫妻和睦。