Variables and arrays
There are many different types of variables. Choosing which one we want to use depends on what we want to do with it. Knowing whether it's raining or not (true/false) is different from say, knowing a character's name ("Big McLargeHuge"). Let's take a look at some of the variables we can use and what they're used for.
Quick, is it raining? Boolean variables, or bool for short, are your basic true/false questions. They're used for everything from asking if the player is driving a vehicle, to if the game has started, to whether or not an object can collide with anything.
It's standard for boolean variables' names to start with a lower case "b". This isn't required, but it's good to follow the guidelines to keep code consistent and easily readable.
Let's take a look at how we can use booleans in our code by adding to our AwesomeActor class.