Meet the Community
Anita Horsley
Anita Horsley is a hard working, ambitious leader who possesses high energy and is a motivator about education and eLearning. Horsley has a Masters degree in Education. She is an Adobe Certified Expert in Captivate 5.5 and coordinates the Oregon State Captivate User Group. Horsley was a firefighter and officer for ten years in Atlanta and has worked for the Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal as a Training and Development Specialist since 2009.
Blogs: http://captivatecrazy.blogspot.com/ and http://captivatecrazy.posterous.com/
LinkedIn: http://tinyurl.com/AnitaHorsleyLinkedIn
Twitter: @captivatecrazy
What an impressive blog is Anita's Captivate Crazy! At the time of this writing, her blog was four months old, but already contained tons of very interesting content. Just make sure you follow Anita on Twitter, as she is very active and very good at sharing great content with the community.