Chapter 1. Setting Up the Environment
The first thing we will do before building our application using Gideros is, setting up the environment and trying it out. We will need to download the latest version of Gideros designed specifically for your operating system, install it, create a project with some test code, and run it on both a computer and your mobile device.
As Gideros operates separately from Android or iOS SDKs and does not need them (context: Android or iOS SDKs) for testing or exporting apps, it is assumed that the user already has those SDKs installed; thus, it will not be covered in this chapter.
This chapter will guide you step by step on how to install Gideros on your operating system and prepare everything so you will be ready to develop your mobile game. This chapter will also introduce you to some of the basics of using Gideros Studio, managing your project, and running simple code.
Here is a list of links that might help you resolve any problems you might encounter with Gideros:
- Gideros Developer Guide: http://giderosmobile.com/guide
- Gideros API Reference: http://docs.giderosmobile.com/reference/
- Gideros Documentation: http://docs.giderosmobile.com/
- Gideros Developer Wiki: http://www.giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/
- Gideros Knowledgebase (FAQ): http://members.giderosmobile.com/knowledgebase.php
- Gideros Community Forum: http://giderosmobile.com/forum/
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
- Explaining what is Gideros and why you should use it
- Installing Gideros on Windows/Mac OS X/Linux
- Installing Gideros Player for on-device testing (Android, iOS)
- Creating a new project and running it on both, the desktop and device
- Providing the basics of coding in Gideros
- Managing the project files
- Managing the project settings
- Exporting a Gideros project to Android or Xcode projects