Babylon.js Essentials

Creating your first scene

Now, you have all the necessary elements to build your first scene. Here, the scene will be composed of a rotation camera, point light, and box. Let's create a class using TypeScript and practice with Babylon.js.

Creating a class and the scene nodes

The following class creates the Babylon.js elements directly in the constructor:

export class BasicScene { 
  public camera: BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera; // Our camera 
  public light: BABYLON.PointLight; // Our light 
  public box: BABYLON.Mesh; // Our box 
  private _engine: BABYLON.Engine; // The Babylon.js engine 
  private _scene: BABYLON.Scene; // The scene where to add the nodes 
  // Our constructor. The constructor provides the canvas reference 
  // Then, we can create the Babylon.js engine 
  constructor(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) { 
    // Create engine 
    this._engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas); 
    // Create the scene 
    this._scene = new BABYLON.Scene(this._engine); 
    // Create the camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera", 0, 0, 30,        BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), 
        this._scene);, true); 
    // Create the light 
    this.light = new BABYLON.PointLight("light",new BABYLON.Vector3(20, 20, 20), 
    this.light.diffuse = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 1, 0); 
this.light.specular = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 0, 1); 
this.light.intensity = 1.0; 
// Create the box = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("cube", 5, this._scene); 

Call the runRenderLoop method

Let's add a method to the class that will call the runRenderLoop method:

public runRenderLoop(): void { 
  this._engine.runRenderLoop(() => { 

This scene is exactly the same as mentioned in the previous image—there is a box and green light.

Managing the scene graph

To practice with the scene graph, let's create a method that will set the light as a child of the camera. The method will set the light's position at coordinates (x=0,y=0,z=0) and set the parent of the light as the camera:

public setCameraParentOfLight(): void { 
  this.light.parent =; 