C++ Windows Programming

About the Reviewer

Lou Mauget learned to program long ago at Michigan State University as a physics major, learning to use software to design a cyclotron. He worked at IBM for 34 years, and after that, he went on to work for several consulting firms, including a long-term engagement with the railroad industry. He is currently consulting for Keyhole Software of Leawood, Kansas. Recently, he designed and coded MockOla, a drag-drop wire-frame prototyping tool for Keyhole Software. Lou has coded in C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, and newer languages, as each was conceived. His current interests include reactive functional programming, containers, Node JS, NoSQL, geospatial systems, mobile, and any new language or framework. Occasionally, Lou blogs about software technology for Keyhole Software. He has coauthored three computer books and authored two IBM DeveloperWorks XML tutorials and a WebSphere Journal LDAP tutorial. Lou coauthored several J2EE certification tests for IBM. He has reviewed books for Packt Publishing, as well as other publications.