Learning Azure Functions

What you need for this book

This book is for beginners. This book assumes that you are familiar with at least JavaScript, Python, PHP, and other programming languages. Knowledge of these programming languages is essential considering this book to gain better insight. Having a strong understanding of program logic will provide you with the background to be productive with Azure Functions while creating serverless architecture.

As we are going to use Microsoft Azure Functions, you need to have an Azure subscription or free trail to utilize Azure Functions. For basic functions, Azure Functions can be used freely without using a Microsoft Azure Account.

In this book, we cover Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery for Azure Functions, so it is essential to have a Visual Team Studio Services (VSTS) account and some basic knowledge of it. You can utilize the Implementing DevOps with Microsoft Azure book available at https://www.amazon.com/Implementing-DevOps-Microsoft-Azure-Mitesh-ebook/dp/B01MSQWO4W for DevOps, Microsoft Azure, and VSTS-related basic knowledge. It is good to have some knowledge of repositories such as svn and Git as in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. For Azure Functions, we are going to use a VSTS repository to store the code for the functions.

Additionally, you will need access to the internet to access Azure Portal. Any normal hardware configuration is good enough, such as 4 GB RAM and 500 GB hard disk, to access Microsoft Azure Portal and work with different functions.