About the reviewers
Marija Zaric is a freelance web designer living in Belgrade, Serbia, with a focus on individual and commercial clients who demand websites that are modern, creative, simple, and responsive. She works with clients from the USA and all over the world, helping them present their services in a unique and professional way. Marija was a technical reviewer for the books Responsive Media in HTML5, Mastering Responsive Web Design, Responsive Web Design Patterns, and Mastering Bootstrap 4 for Packt Publishing.
Kang Hong Chen is an artist and developer currently based in London, UK. He has previously worked on the core development team of Airtasker, ustwo, and now is working at Net a Porter. He has collaborated with Philippe on design system software such as Sketch Export Generator. Ed blogs at edsnider [dot] net and can be found on Twitter at twitter [dot] com/edsnider.