Building the ROS node
As we are working with the chapter2_tutorials package, we will edit the CMakeLists.txt file here and prepare and configure the packages for the build:
$ rosed chapter2_tutorials CMakeLists.txt
At the end of this file, we will have to add the following lines (https://github.com/kbipin/Robot-Operating-System-Cookbook/blob/master/chapter2_tutorials/CMakeLists.txt):
include_directories( include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) add_executable(example1a src/example_1a.cpp) add_executable(example1b src/example_1b.cpp) add_dependencies(example1a chapter2_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp) add_dependencies(example1b chapter2_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp) target_link_libraries(example1a ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_link_libraries(example1b ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
The catkin_make tool is used to build the package that will compile all the nodes:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/ $ catkin_make --pkg chapter2_tutorials
To work with the nodes created previously, we have to first start roscore:
$ roscore
Next, we can check whether ROS is running using the rosnode list command in another terminal, as follows:
$ rosnode list
Now, we run both nodes in different shells:
$ rosrun chapter2_tutorials example1a $ rosrun chapter2_tutorials example1b
We will see something similar to the following screenshot in the shell where the example1b node is running:

Subscriber node output
We can use the rosnode and rostopic commands to debug and get the information about the running node:
$ rosnode list $ rosnode info /example1_a $ rosnode info /example1_b $ rostopic list $ rostopic info /message $ rostopic type /message $ rostopic bw /message