Unity 2018 Cookbook(Third Edition)

How to do it...

To display a Hello World text message, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Unity 2D project.
  2. Import the provided Fonts folder.
  3. In the Hierarchy panel, add a UI | Text GameObject to the scene—choose menu: GameObject | UI | Text. Name this GameObject Text-hello.
Using the Create menu : Alternatively, use the Create menu immediately below the Hierarchy tab, choosing menu: Create | UI | Text.
  1. Ensure that your new Text-hello GameObject is selected in the Hierarchy panel.
    Now, in
    the Inspector, ensure the following properties are set:
    • Text set to read Hello World
    • Font set to Xolonium-Bold
    • Font size as per your requirements (large—this depends on your screen—try 50 or 100)
    • Alignment set to horizontal and vertical center
    • Horizontal and Vertical Overflow set to Overflow
    • Color set to white

The following screenshot shows the Inspector panel with these settings:

  1. In the Rect Transform, click on the Anchor Presets square icon, which should result in several rows and columns of preset position squares appearing. Hold down  Shift+Alt and click on the center one (middlerow and center column).
The screenshot of the Rect Transform in the Introduction highlights the middle-center preset needed for this recipe.
  1. Your Hello World text will now appear, centered nicely in the Game panel.