The pre-development and high-level conceptual design items for hms_sys are fairly straightforward, at least at the level of detail that's available coming out of the pre-development planning cycle(s). More detail will bubble to the surface once the user stories for the individual iterations' functionalities are fleshed out, along with a host of questions and implementation decisions and details. There's one iteration, though, that will happen first.
That first iteration, as hinted at, is concerned more with the definition of the tools, processes, and practices that will be in play through the real development of the final system. The odds are good that most of the decisions and setup that will be part of that will already have been decided upon by the development team, and by those who manage the team. Even so, it's worth looking at some of the options and decision-making criteria that will hopefully have gone into making those decisions. They can (and often do) have a significant impact on how well things work during development.