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dict comprehensions

Dictionary and set comprehensions work exactly like the list ones, only there is a little difference in the syntax. The following example will suffice to explain everything you need to know:

# dictionary.comprehensions.py
from string import ascii_lowercase
lettermap = dict((c, k) for k, c in enumerate(ascii_lowercase, 1))

If you print lettermap, you will see the following (I omitted the middle results, you get the gist):

$ python dictionary.comprehensions.py
{'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'y': 25,
'z': 26}

What happens in the preceding code is that we're feeding the dict constructor with a comprehension (technically, a generator expression, we'll see it in a bit). We tell the dict constructor to make key/value pairs from each tuple in the comprehension. We enumerate the sequence of all lowercase ASCII letters, starting from 1, using enumerate. Piece of cake. There is also another way to do the same thing, which is closer to the other dictionary syntax:

lettermap = {c: k for k, c in enumerate(ascii_lowercase, 1)} 

It does exactly the same thing, with a slightly different syntax that highlights a bit more of the key: value part.

Dictionaries do not allow duplication in the keys, as shown in the following example:

# dictionary.comprehensions.duplicates.py
word = 'Hello'
swaps = {c: c.swapcase() for c in word}
print(swaps) # prints: {'H': 'h', 'e': 'E', 'l': 'L', 'o': 'O'}

We create a dictionary with keys, the letters in the 'Hello' string, and values of the same letters, but with the case swapped. Notice there is only one 'l': 'L' pair. The constructor doesn't complain, it simply reassigns duplicates to the latest value. Let's make this clearer with another example; let's assign to each key its position in the string:

# dictionary.comprehensions.positions.py
word = 'Hello'
positions = {c: k for k, c in enumerate(word)}
print(positions) # prints: {'H': 0, 'e': 1, 'l': 3, 'o': 4}

Notice the value associated with the letter 'l': 3. The 'l': 2 pair isn't there; it has been overridden by 'l': 3.