What this book covers
Chapter 1, Understanding IoT and Developing Devices on the IBM Watson IoT Platform, helps you understand how IoT can be a game changer, what industries can do with this technology, how to get started in the IoT world, and what features the IBM IoT Platform provides and how you can leverage those features when creating an IoT solution.
Chapter 2, Creating Your First IoT Solution, helps you create your first end-to-end IoT solution using the platform and a Raspberry Pi to exercise your skills. You will create an automated garden-watering system that uses the platform to keep plants adequately watered.
Chapter 3, Explaining Blockchain Technology and Working with Hyperledger, introduces you to blockchain and helps you to understand how it works with a ledger to record the history of transactions that provide a permissioned network with known identities.
Chapter 4, Creating Your Own Blockchain Network, helps you create your own blockchain network using Hyperledger Composer, and explores how to create an asset, transaction functions, access control, and query definition.
Chapter 5, Addressing Food Safety - Building around the Blockchain, helps you design and implement a solution to address a logistics problem. You will gain an understanding of how an IoT and blockchain solution can ensure that a food chain that starts at a farm and ends on a person's plate can be securely tracked throughout its journey using those technologies, and in order to gain the compliance from many countries that will apply to this practice in a few years.
Chapter 6, Designing the Solution Architecture, helps you design the solution architecture from the food safety transportation business problem and define the requirements for a technical solution using blockchain to support the distributed ledger network and IoT devices, and the platform, to support the tracking process.
Chapter 7, Creating Your Blockchain and IoT Solution, shows you how to create a blockchain and IoT-integrated solution to address food safety transportation problems. You will gain hands-on experience using blockchain and IoT platforms by coding and testing the components designed in the previous chapter.
Chapter 8, The IoT, Blockchain, and Industry 4.0, helps you understand what the industry trends are and what new business models can be created or derived from IoT and blockchain solutions, as well as the market and technical trends regarding these technologies.
Chapter 9, Best Practices for Developing Blockchain and IoT Solutions, helps you understand previous project experiences and scenarios, and looks at the best practices and lessons learned for designing and developing blockchain and IoT solutions.