电解质 electrolyte
非电解质 nonelectrolyte
强电解质 strong electrolyte
弱电解质 weak electrolyte
解离度 degree of dissociation
离子互吸理论 ion interaction theory
离子氛 ionic atmosphere
表观解离度 apparent dissociation degree
活度 activity
活度因子 activity factor
活度系数 activity coefficient
离子强度 ionic strength
酸碱的质子理论 proton theory of acid and base
酸 acid
碱 base
两性物质 amphoteric substance
共轭酸碱对 conjugated pair of acid-base
共轭酸 conjugate acid
共轭碱 conjugate base
酸碱电子理论 electron theory of acid and base
软硬酸碱 soft hard acid base
质子自递反应 proton self-transfer reaction
酸碱指示剂 acid-base indicator
酸常数 proton transfer constant of acid
碱常数 proton transfer constant of base
同离子效应 common ion effect
盐效应 salt effect
溶解度 solubility
溶度积常数 solubility product constant
离子积 ion product
分步沉淀 fractional precipitate
共沉淀 co-precipitation