Chapter 1 Demographic profile
By the end of 2016,the permanent residential population of Beijing was 21.729 million,with an increase of 0.1% over 2015.The immigrant population with residence was 8.075 million,decreased by 1.8% over 2015.The household registered population of Beijing was 13.629 million with a growth of 177,000 over 2015.The population of the 60 years-old and over accounted for 24.5% of the household registered population,and that of the 65 years-old and over was 16.5%.
Comparing with 2015,the birth rate of household registered population in Beijing was 10.91‰,reduced by 15.3%.The mortality rate was 6.62‰ with a growth of 3.1%.The infant mortality rate was 2.21 ‰ and decreased by 8.7%.The mortality rate of children under 5 was 2.67‰with a reduction of 11.6%.The maternal mortality rate was 10.83/105,increased by 24.6%.
Non-communicable diseases were the leading causes of death among registered residents in Beijing in 2016.The top three causes of death were malignant tumors,heart disease and cerebrovascular disease,accounting for 72.3% of all deaths.Comparing with the previous year,the mortality rate of malignant tumors in 2016 was 177.32/105,increased by 0.68%.The mortality rate of heart disease was 170.44/105,rose by 3.2%.The cerebrovascular mortality rate was 130.60/105,showing an increase of 4.0%.The mortality rate of infectious disease was 4.42/105,lowered by 6.0%.
In 2016,the probability of premature death in household registered residents of Beijing with non-communicable diseases(malignant tumor,cardiovascular disease,diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases)at the age of 30 to 70 years-old(excl.)was 10.9%,decreased by 1.8%compared with that in 2015.The probability was 14.5% of the male registered residents,and 7.3%of their female counterparts.
The life expectancy of the registered residents in Beijing was 82.03 years-old,increased by 0.08 year from 2015;the average of the male was 79.83 years-old,and the female 84.31 years-old.