第三部分 英国文化
第1章 教 育
1.1 复习笔记
I. Systems of primary and secondary education
1. State school
2. Independent or “public” school
II. Elementary education
1. State school system
2. Independent school system
III. Secondary education
1. State school system
2. Independent school system
IV. Higher education
V. Oxford and Cambridge
1. Oxford University
2. Cambridge University
I. Systems of primary and secondary education (中小学教育制度)
1. State school(the majority) (公立学校 (大多数))
(1) The Department of Education and Science establishes standards to which schools ought to conform and it sends out one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors to visit and make thorough reports on the work of every school.
(2) The central government provides a large part of the money, but there is only a fairly loose state control over the schools throughout the country.
(3) Compulsory education
①All children must receive a full time education from 5 to 18.
②If a child fails to attend school, a School Attendance Officer will come to his house to find out why.
③Parents can educate the child themselves under the approval of an inspector.
(4) The head teacher has plenty of autonomy in deciding what is to be taught and how the teaching is to be carried out.
(1) 中央教育与科学部为学校设置规范并派督学到学校进行详细检查。
(2) 中央政府为学校提供大部分资金,但对学校控制较松。
(3) 义务教育
(4) 校长有权决定课程设置与教学方法。
2. Independent or “public” school(few but influential) (“独立”学校 (数量少,影响大))
(1) Public schools are quite independent.
(2) They are supported entirely by fees and private funds.
(3) Each has a board of governors separately constituted. They control the finances and appoint the headmaster, who in his turn appoints the other teachers.
(4) These schools are restricted to a comparatively small “section of the population.
(5) The best-known of these are the “public” boarding schools for boys aged thirteen to seventeen or eighteen.
(6) Only rich people can afford the fees and send their children to these schools.
(1) “独立”学校十分自主。
(2) 经费来自学费和捐款。
(3) 学校设自治委员会负责管理经费和聘请校长;由校长聘任教师。
(4) 这些学校只能招收相对小区域人口的学生。
(5) 最著名的是公立寄宿学校,招收13到17或18岁的男学生。
(6) 只有富裕家庭才能支付学费,把孩子送到这些学校。
II. Elementary education (小学教育)
1. State school system(free) (公立学校制度 (免费入学))
(1) Nursery school: 3-5
(2) Primary school: 5-11
①Infant school or “First school”: 5-7
●The academic year begins in September, and is divided into three terms.
●The exact dates of the holidays vary from area to area.
②Junior school: 7-11
◆Most primary schools are wholly maintained by the local authorities. Some belong to churches, or other organizations and religious denominations.
◆They are called co-educational or mixed schools because they admit both boys and girls.
◆In state school the letters A, B and C are often used to describe “streams” or parallel classes. The top class should be called the Sixth.
(1) 幼儿园:3到5岁
(2) 小学:5到11岁
◆在公立学校,A、B、C 用来描述按智力划分的班级或平行班。最好的班级被称为“第六班”。
2. Independent school system(fees) (“独立学校”制度 (收取学费))
(1) Kindergarten: 3-5
(2) Private school: 5-7 or 8
●They are run by an individual person or a company.
(3)Preparatory school: 7 or 8-13
●Their curriculum differs considerably from that of the primary school, since its main purpose is the “common entrance” examination at the age of thirteen, for admission to a “public school”.
(1) 幼儿园:3到5岁
(2) 私立学校:5到7或8岁
(3) 预备学校:7或8到13岁
III. Secondary education (中学教育)
1. State school system (公立教育制度)
(1) All children begin secondary education at the age of eleven.
(2) Under the old selective system, children took an examination, called the “eleven plus”(now totally abolished) , in their last year at primary school. The results of this examination determined the kind of secondary education a child would receive:
①Those with the highest marks would go to grammar schools: these schools concentrated on academic subjects, and expected many of their pupils to take higher examinations and go to university
②Other children would go to technical schools, where the teaching was more practical.
③The rest would go to secondary modern schools, which give general education, including some practical instruction.
◆Grammar school: 11-18
●The oldest schools in the U. K.
●Concentrated on academic subjects, they give liberal and scientific education up to the age of eighteen and prepare pupils for the Advanced Level of the G. C. E. and Scholarship Level Certificate, and in some cases for university entrance.
●Most grammar schools are owned and controlled by local education authorities.
◆Comprehensive school:
●Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities
●The pupils study a wide variety of subjects at first, and after two or three years they may drop some of them, and study only those they like best.
●At 15 or 16 they take the General Certificate of Secondary Education. If they decide to stay at school after this, they will probably enter the sixth form, where they will study three or four subjects for two or three years.
●At 18 there is another examination; “the Advanced Level of the General Certificate of Education”; if they do well in it, they can enter a university.
●Three kinds:
a. They retain the original wide age range from 11 to18;
b. Two-tier pattern with a junior high school (from 11 to 14 or15) and a senior high school (from 14 to 18);
c. The “sixth form colleges”, a much smaller group taking in pupils from 15 or 16 to 18.
◆Secondary modern school: 11-16
●Offer general education, including some practical instruction.
(1) 所有的孩子必须11岁入学。
(2) 在以前的选拔制度中,孩子们在小学最后一年参加叫“eleven plus”的考试 (现已废除) 。考试结果决定一个孩子接受什么样的中学教育。
a. 招收11到18岁年龄段的学生;
b. 二级制度:初级中学 (11到14岁),高级中学 (14到18岁);
c. 第六学级:学生数较少,招收15或16至18岁的学生。
2. Independent school system (“独立”学校制度)
(1) The autonomous bodies generally enroll pupils from prep schools through examinations.
(2) The curricula are determined by standard examinations required for university entrance.
(3) Pupils usually study 6 or 7 subjects—English, French or German, mathematics, two sciences and history.
◆Public school: 13-18
●They are generally controlled by governing bodies.
●The most eminent ones, are called by the name of the town or village in which they are located. The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.
●These public schools aim at shaping characters as well as individuality. Traditionally they emphasize two factors in education. One is the study of classics and science, the other is the development of what is called “character”.
●Each public school has a board of governors separately constituted. The government interferes with their activities as little as possible.
(1) 学校自治机构一般招收预备学校中通过考试的学生。
(2) 课程设置按大学入学考试所要求的标准决定。
(3) 学生通常上6至7节课——英语、法语或德语、数学、两门科学课和历史。
IV. Higher education (高等教育)
1. Old universities (古老大学)
(1) Oxford University
①Started in the 12th century.
②The university is a sort of federation of colleges.
③The colleges and university buildings are scattered about the town.
④Apart from lectures teaching is by means of the “tutorial system”, which is a system of individual tuition organized by the colleges and has been, in modern times, one of the chief foundations of the greatness of Oxford and Cambridge among universities.
(2) Cambridge University
①A row of colleges side by side along the banks of the River Cam
②Two features of Oxford and Cambridge are widely admired and are being gradually extended to other universities. One is the college system and the other is the tutorial system, whereby each student gets personal tuition once a week in his or her tutor’s own room
(1) 牛津大学
(2) 剑桥大学
2. Scottish universities (苏格兰大学)
①They were the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. St. Andrews started in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
②Located in the chief cities of Scotland and their students have generally lived at or found their own lodgings.
3. The middle-aged universities (中年大学)
①More than 10 universities, founded from 1830 to 1930
②The University of London consists now about twenty colleges and schools of the university, with over 40000 students and in addition a further30000 external students who study outside the colleges.
③A large group of nineteenth and twentieth-century universities were founded in most of the biggest industrial towns and in a few other centres. They started as “university colleges”.
④All the middle-aged universities were founded, and at first developed, with money provided by private donors, many of whom were local industrialists.
4. A group of universities or university colleges sprang up after the Second World War in the medium-sized towns.
5. Open university and Buckingham University (开放大学和白金汉大学)
(1) Open University
①Founded in 1969
②This is open to everybody, and does not demand the same formal qualifications as the other universities,
③The university offers courses through one of the B. B. C.’s television channels and by radio。
(2) Buckingham University
Buckingham University is an independent university which was established in 1973 and is run by a number of academic and vocational figures, and businessmen.
(1) 开放大学
(2) 白金汉大学
6. Most of those who fail to gain entry to a university go on to some other form of higher education.
7. Degree titles (学位称号)
(1) Bachelor’s degree: given to the students who p ass examinations at the end of three or four years of study.
(2) Master’s degree: conferred on the postgraduates who present a thesis based on at least one year’s full time work.
(3) Doctor’s degree: awarded to a man or woman who does exhaustive research and presents a thesis which is an original contribution to knowledge.
(1) 学士学位:授予在大学接受3至4年教育并通过考试的学生。
(2) 硕士学位:授予提交经过至少1年研究的论文的研究生。
(3) 博士学位:授予做过详尽研究并提交原创性知识论文的人。
V. Oxford and Cambridge (牛津大学和剑桥大学)
1. Oxford University (牛津大学)
(1) Motto: The Lord is my Light.
(2) Location and population
Oxford lies about 57 miles (90 km) north-west of London. A medium-sized city with a total population of some 140000 people, including over 30000 students
(3) Colleges and Halls
Oxford has 39 official Colleges of the University and the seven Permanent Private Halls.
(4) Divisions
Oxford University has four divisions that offer a great variety of study subjects.
①Humanity Division
②Mathematical, Physical & Life Sciences Division
③Medical Sciences Division
④Social Sciences Division
(5) Libraries
①There are over 100 separate libraries.
②The Oxford University Library Service is made up of 38 libraries housed across the University.
③The principal University research library is the Bodleian Library which dates from 1602. It is one of the oldest libraries in Europe, and has been a library of legal deposit for almost400 years.
(1) 校训:上主是我的亮光。
(2) 位置和人口
牛津位于伦敦西北部57英里 (90千米) 。是个中型城市,总人口约14万,包括3万多名学生在内。
(3) 学院和学堂
(4) 学部
(5) 图书馆
2. Cambridge University (剑桥大学)
(1) Motto: From here, light and sacred draughts.
(2) Members of the University have won over sixty Nobel Prizes.
(3) The Colleges of the University
①There are 35 Colleges in Cambridge.
②The supervision system is one of the main reasons for the University’s success in the external reviews of learning and teaching.
(4) Courses
Arts; Sciences; Humanities and Social Sciences; other courses
(1) 校训:求知学习的理想之地。
(2) 剑桥大学已出现60余位诺贝尔奖获得者。
(3) 学院
(4) 课程
1.2 课后习题详解
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
1. How many years does a pupil study at a primary state school?
Key: Six years, from the age of five to eleven.
2. Which type of schools enrolls the top pupils at secondary education?
Key: Grammar schools enroll the top pupils at secondary education.
3. How many types of universities are there in Britain? Which two universities are the most famous ones?
Key: There are five types: 1) old universities, 2) the four Scottish universities, 3) the middle-aged universities, 4) the new universities, 5) the Open University and Buckingham University (independent university). Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and the most famous in the world.
4. How are “public” schools financed?
Key: Public schools in the UK are financed mainly by fees paid by parents and private funds.
5. What do you think of the two British educational systems?
Key: Generally speaking, there are two systems of primary and secondary education in the UK, the state school and independent schools. The great majority of parents send their children to state schools, where education and equipment, including textbooks and stationery, are entirely free. While independent schools are run by an individual person or a company and financed mainly by fees paid by parents and private funds. Therefore, minority of parents send their children to such schools because of the high fees.
6. What do you know about Oxford University?
Key: The University of Oxford, located in the city of Oxford, England, got started in the 12th century. It is the oldest university in the English-speaking world, and is also regarded as one of the world’s leading academic institutions. Oxford is one of Europe’s most innovative and entrepreneurial universities and is also the UK pioneer in developing a university intellectual property policy.
Exercise 2. Explain the following terms:
1. “G. C. E.”
Key: It is an examination taken by the students of the secondary schools. G. C. E. stands for the General Certificate of Education.
2. Eton College
Key: It is one of the largest independent secondary schools in England and one of the most prestigious.
3. Polytechnics
Key: They are the institutes of technology and polytechnics, which have existed at least since the 18th century, but became popular after World War II with the expansion of technical education, associated with the new needs created by industrialization. In some cases, polytechnics or institutes of technology are engineering schools or technical colleges.
4. the Open University
Key: It was founded in 1969, is a most interesting innovation of higher education. It is open to everybody, and does not demand the same formal qualifications as the other universities, though preparatory work may be required. The university offers courses through one of the BBC’s television channels and by radio, and has tutors and counselors all over Britain, who read papers written by students and discuss them at meetings or by correspondence.
5. M.A.
Key: It is the abbreviation of Master of Arts.
6. The Oxford University Library Service
Key: It is made up 38 libraries housed across the university. Together these libraries hold over eleven million volumes, many with research collections of national significance.
7. Kettle’s Yard
Key: It is an art gallery and house in Cambridge University, where contemporary art could be found.
8. the Regent House
Key: Since the Cambridge is a self-governing body, the Regent House is the legislative authority, which consists of the three thousand or so members of the teaching and administrative staff of the University and Colleges who have the MA or a higher degree.