Unit 02
报名 倍 本来 笨 比如 毕业 遍 标准 表格 表示 表演 表扬
搭配:报名上学to enroll in school;报名参加比赛to enlist for a competition
例句:他已经去报名参加那个节目了。He has entered for that programme.
这两天来报名的人很少。We had few enlistees these two days.
搭配:提高两倍to increase two times;扩大一倍to expand one time
例句:公司今年的销售量比去年提高了一倍。This year the company’s sales volume increased one time than last year.
15是5的3倍。Fifteen is three times as much as five.
例句:我想你误会了他本来的意思。I think you misunderstood his original meaning.
李红本来是打算今天去报名的。At first,Li Hong planned to sign up today.
我本来不知道这件事,到了这里才听说了。I didn’t know that originally,and heard of it here.
例句:他不希望自己被别人看成是一个笨学生。He doesn’t want to be treated as a slow student.
这双鞋子看起来很笨重。This pair of shoes looks heavy on me.
他笨手笨脚的。He is clumsy.
搭配:比如说for example;for instance
例句:汉语中有很多词意思差不多,比如保留和保存。Many Chinese words are similar in meaning,for example“,reserve”and“preserve”.
不是每个人都喜欢花,比如说,我就不喜欢。Not everyone likes flowers,such as me.
搭配:大学毕业to graduate from college;毕业论文thesis
例句:我儿子已经毕业两年了。My son had graduated for two years.
她毕业后就去了北京。She went to Beijing after graduation.
搭配:一遍one time;好几遍several/many times
例句:我再给你讲一遍,你可要认真听。I’ll explain it to you one more time,and you should listen carefully.
这些我都已经复习好几遍了。I have reviewed these materials many times.
搭配:卫生标准hygiene/health standard;标准时间standard time
例句:这一题的标准答案是什么?What is the correct answer to this question?
她的普通话不太标准。Her mandarin is not good enough.
搭配:一张表格a form;电子表格a spreadsheet
例句:你帮我把这张表格送到经理室,好吗?Would you please bring this form to the manager’s office for me?
把这张表格里的信息填完后交给老师。Fill in the form and hand it in to the teacher.
搭配:表示喜欢to show one’s interests in;表示欢迎to extend a welcome to;没有表示have no expression
例句:我问他,他表示不知道。I asked him but he said he did not know.
老师没有高兴的表示。The teacher didn’t show any sign of happiness.
我们对于他的到来表示了欢迎。He was welcome by us.
搭配:唱歌表演a singing performance;跳舞表演a dancing performance;看表演to watch a performance
例句:他表演得很好。He performed well.
我们看了跳舞表演。We watched a dancing performance.
搭配:表扬信a letter of commendation;受到表扬to receive a praise
例句:老师表扬王东学习认真。The teacher praised Wang Dong’s diligence.
今天终于得到了老师的表扬,他非常高兴。He is very glad about being praised by the teacher today.
1.A.公司 B.机场 C.宾馆 D.会议室
2.A.女的对小王很满意 B.男的刚刚参加工作
C.小王现在正在开会 D.小王和男的一个组
A报名 B倍 C本来 D笨 E比如 F毕业
1.我六月份就( )了,现在正在找工作。
2.这些事情( )都是安排给王刚做的。
3.你再说我( ),我可要生气了。
4.小王已经( )参加这次比赛了。
B:我想从事教育工作,( )中学老师什么的。
6.A:这个李红还真是不简单,销售量比去年提高了一( ),这不是谁都能做到的。
A遍 B标准 C表演 D表格 E表扬 F表示
7.女朋友( )了你一下,你就这么高兴?
8.这些( )要在明天下午一点前送到办公室。
9.摇头( )不同意或不满意。
10.这件衣服没有洗干净,要再洗一( )。
11.A:这次的( )是不是有些太高了?
B:没有一个人会( )。
1.就已经 这次活动 昨天 结束了 报名_______________________________________
2.表扬 他 能得到 希望 老师的______________________________________________
3.饼干 觉得 太甜了 我 这个________________________________________________
4.表示 同意 点头 或满意 一般______________________________________________
5.正在 怎么做 学习 电子表格 我____________________________________________
