25. (20170513) Which value should be shared by children (5-10 years old) most and why?
— Being honest.
— Being helpful for others.
— Being well-organized.
As the future of our society, children have always been under spotlight and given a lot of attention, especially those of the age from five to ten. According to an expert in psychology, this is the most imperative period of raising a child as children's characters are formed during this period. Naturally, a debate over which quality is the most valuable in a child has been created and frankly, I tend to believe that being willing to help others is the most important one among the aforementioned three qualities.
First of all, a person that strikes other people as helpful always leaves a good first impression. Imagine that you are going to a city for the first time, and your friend has sent two people to pick you up from the airport. While both of them were concerned of your well being and conversed with you with enthusiasm, only one of them offered to carry your luggage to the car. Which person would you prefer, solely based on your first impression? The underlying reason behind such tendency is that being willing to help others indicates a willingness to sacrifice to a certain extent, and humans are always impressed by others' sacrifice, no matter how small it is: from offering them the last piece of meat in ancient times to offering to take out their trash on their way out. In addition, a popular story indicates that after an interview, all but one of the interviewees left the office negligent of the piece of trash lying on the ground, and that person was eventually hired.
Second of all, people are prone to establish friendships with the more helpful rather than doing so with the others. Some people say that the best way of ingratiating to someone is to offer to do some small favors for them. The same principle also applies to making friends. When entering a social circle, a small favor for one of the members can often be the entry ticket. According to a research project done by Cornell University, those who exhibit certain traits indicating the willingness to offer help to others have 30% more friends than those who do not exhibit those traits. They also found that a large percentage of the social circles studied by the researchers comprise mainly of “helpful” members. As we can see, being willing to provide aid is indeed an essential characteristic for making friends and enlarging one's social circle.
Last but not least, in comparison with the other two qualities, being helpful to others is a habit a lot harder to develop as the willingness to help others requires a person to care about other people from the deepest part of their hearts while the other two only require a person to care about himself/herself. Once a person has a seed of selfishness planted in his/her mind from an early age, it would be incredibly difficult to transform him/her into a person that truly care about others. As a result, it is more imperative for small children to develop this quality.
In a nutshell, not only do I consider being helpful to others an advantageous characteristic for children, but I also deem it more imperative than the other two traits as it must be formed at an early age.
negligent of 忽略,不知道
comprise of 由……组成
be prone to 倾向于
ingratiate to 迎合,讨好
exhibit 表现出
converse with 和某人对话
interviewee 被面试者
interview 面试