It is a great privilege and honor to write the forward for Pain Management Nursing. Nursing by definition is a caring and compassionate profession.Inherent in that care and compassion is the obligation of every nurse to reduce pain and suffering.The editors have worked diligently to bring together scientific evidence and best nursing practice to guide and support all nurses.
The field of pain management is dynamic and growing with new knowledge.The editors and authors have put together a single source of useful and important information on the physiology, assessment, and management of pain.Chapters address pain in special populations, acute pain, chronic pain, and cancer pain.Updated information on assessing pain and opioid induced sedation and pain's impact on patients'emotional health and ability to perform basic daily activities is covered.Pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions for treating pain are presented.As in all areas of nursing we continuously strive to improve the quality care we provide to patients experiencing pain.There is a chapter on quality improvement specific to pain management.The editors also included information on programs from outside of China that have had significant impact on pain management nursing.In the not too distant future, hospitals throughout China may have Pain Resource Nurse Programs and Advanced Practice Nurses, and I have witnessed the importance and value of both these for improving pain care.A comprehensive book such as this involves an incredible amount of work to ensure the material is accurate, up to date, and applicable at the point of care.
I want to thank the editors and authors for their unwavering commitment to provide this invaluable resource for the nurses of China.This book is a critical tool and resource for nurses dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by pain.
Past President of the American Society for Pain Management Nursing
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Assistant Professor
Pediatric Pain Management Center, Anesthesiology & Peri-Operative Medicine
Doernbecher Children's Hospital/Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing