Focus on Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test
23. Sometimes, you will be unfamiliar with Part 3 vocabulary. If this is the case, you should try to guess and clarify the meaning for yourself. Below, the candidate does not know the word ‘curriculum’. Listen to how she copes.
Examiner: Could you tell me how you think the high school curriculum has changed in your country since the last century?
Candidate: Oh, mmm, curriculum. Do you mean what we do at school? The different subjects we study?
Examiner: Yes. Subjects or courses of study.
Candidate: Well, actually I believe the school curriculum at high school has changed considerably. Students nowadays take subjects which didn’t even exist at the beginning of last century, such as computer science.
24. Work in pairs.
a. Student A does activities 26, 27, and 28 below.
b. Student B does activities 29, 30 and 31 below.
Student A:
25. Look up the following words in your dictionary and write a synonym or brief definition:
Methods: ___________________________________________
Status: ___________________________________________
Gap year: ___________________________________________
26. Now ask your partner the following Part 3 questions. If your partner does not know any of the underlined words, wait for him or her to guess the meaning before you give any help.
a. How do you think methods of teaching have changed over the last 100 years?
b. Is a university education considered high status in your country?
c. Do you think it is a good idea for students to have a ‘gap year’ between finishing high school and starting university?
27. Now answer your partner’s questions.
Student B:
28. Look up the following words in your dictionary and write a synonym or brief definition:
Education system: ______________________________________________
Alter: ______________________________________________
Characteristics: ______________________________________________
29. Now answer your partner’s questions in Part 3. Guess the meaning of words you do not understand.
30. When you have answered the questions, ask your partner the following Part 3 questions. If your partner does not know any of the underlined words, wait for him or her to guess the meaning before you give any help.
a. How do you think the education system might change in the future?
b. If you could alter the education system in your country, what would you do?
c. In your opinion, what characteristics make a good teacher?