第一部分 综合知识

1. 中国农业银行的前身是农业合作银行,2015年是其成立的( )年。
A. 31
B. 61
C. 64
D. 103
2. 中国农业银行的核心价值观是( )。
A. 诚信立业,稳健行远
B. 德才兼备,以德为本
C. 尚贤用能,绩效为先
D. 客户至上,始终如一
3. 中国农业银行挂牌上市是( )年。
A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2010
D. 2012
4. 中国农业银行的企业制度性质是( )。
A. 国家专业银行
B. 股份制商业银行
C. 国有独资商业银行
D. 国有控股商业银行
5. 下列选项中,不属于核心价值观的二十四字的是( )。
A. 文明、和谐
B. 友爱、真诚
C. 自由、平等
D. 富强、民主
6. 2015年的世界体操锦标赛举办地是( )。
A. 加拿大蒙特利尔
B. 英国格拉斯哥
C. 比利时安特卫普
D. 中国广西南宁市
7. 习近平访问英国达成了( )亿英镑的贸易协议。
A. 150
B. 400
C. 800
D. 4000
8. 下列属于TPP的主要发起国的是( )。
A. 美国
B. 日本
C. 越南
D. 新加坡
9. 2015年诺贝尔和平奖得主是( )。
A. 欧洲联盟
B. 国际原子能机构
C. 突尼斯大会
D. 政府间气候变化专门委员会
10. 屠呦呦发现的青蒿素主要用于治疗( )疾病。
A. 霍乱
B. 天花
C. 牛痘
D. 疟疾
11. 2015年,女排世界杯夺魁是中国队获得的世界杯第( )连冠,也是球队在时隔11年后第( )次荣膺世界冠军。
A. 4;6
B. 5;6
C. 4;8
D. 5;8
12. 经国务院批准,自2015年9月8日起,实行上市公司股息红利差别化个人所得税政策,个人从公开发行和转让市场取得的上市公司股票,持股期限( ),股息红利所得暂免征收个人所得税。
A. 1个月以内
B. 1个月以上至1年
C. 1年以上
D. 3年以上
13. 根据《批复》要求,( )将被打造为两岸交流合作重要承载区、改革创新示范区、生态文明先行区和扩大对外开放重要门户、东南沿海现代产业重要基地。
A. 杭州
B. 福州
C. 南宁
D. 南京
14. 中国人民银行决定,自2015年9月15日起改革存款准备金考核制度,由现行的时点法改为( )考核。同时,存款准备金考核设每日下限。
A. 平均法
B. 静态法
C. 动态法
D. 极值法
15. 维持期内每日营业终了时,金融机构按法人存入的存款准备金日终余额与准备金考核基数之比,可以低于法定存款准备金率,但幅度应在( )个(含)百分点以内。
A. 1
C. 3
B. 2
D. 5
16. 德国大众集团旗下汽车品牌奥迪2015年9月28日证实,约210万辆奥迪柴油汽车安装了能够在( )中作弊的软件。
A. 速度检测
B. 尾气检测
C. 安全检测
D. 悬挂检测
17. 中国人民银行决定,自2015年8月26日起,下调金融机构人民币贷款和存款基准利率,以进一步降低企业融资成本。其中,一年期存款基准利率下调( )个百分点。
A. 0.05
B. 0.25
C. 0.35
D. 0.50
18. 2015年默克尔是第( )次访华,是欧洲最多的访问中国的领导人。
A. 5
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
19. 世界经济论坛全球议程第( )届峰会在阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比。
A. 二
B. 五
C. 六
D. 八
20. 纪念反法西斯抗战阅兵时,习近平同志宣布中国将裁军( )万。
A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 30
21. 2015年是朝鲜劳动党成立( )周年。
A. 50
B. 70
C. 100
D. 120
22. 下列不属于欧盟发起国的是( )。
A. 荷兰
B. 英国
C. 比利时
D. 卢森堡
23. 美国宇航局发现了火星( ),增加了火星有生命生存的可能性。
A. 金属物体
B. 基本化学元素
C. 蜥蜴
D. 液态水
24. 2015年9月,继北京和广州之后,( )成功申办了亚运会。
A. 济南
B. 长沙
C. 杭州
D. 贵州
25. 下列不是SDR特别提款权中的货币的是( )。
A. 欧元
B. 英镑
C. 日元
D. 人民币
26. 下列高铁线路,最快运行时间由约3小时缩短至约85分钟的是( )。
A. 哈齐高铁
B. 福厦高铁
C. 沪杭高铁
D. 武广高铁
27. 被称为“城在海上,海在城中”的城市是( )。
A. 青岛
B. 厦门
C. 大连
D. 三亚
28. 下列选项中,不属于世界三大地震带的是( )。
A. 环太平洋地震带
B. 欧亚地震带
C. 海岭地震带
D. 印度洋地震带
29. 二十四节气中,能反映太阳高度变化的是( )。
A. 立春
B. 芒种
C. 秋分
D. 大寒
30. 下列不属于现场急救措施的是( )。
A. 心脏复苏
B. 坐等医生
C. 人工呼吸
D. 创伤包扎
31. 当月亮、地球、太阳完全在一条直线上的时候,整个月亮全部走进地球的影子里,月亮表面昏暗,形成( )。
A. 月环食
B. 日全食
C. 月全食
D. 日偏食
32. 四库全书指的是( )。
A. 伯仲叔季
B. 子史经集
C. 诗书礼乐
D. 诗词赋颂
33. 下列不属于“三孔”的是( )。
A. 孔庙
B. 孔府
C. 孔林
D. 孔桥
34. 下列不属于原材料按其存放地点分类的是( )。
A. 辅助材料
B. 在途物资
C. 库存材料
D. 委托加工物资
35. “扎西德勒”的意思是( )。
A. 早晨好
B. 吉祥如意
C. 谢谢
D. 再见
36. “礼、乐、射、御、书、数”的“御”指的是( )。
A. 音乐
B. 驾车
C. 书法
D. 礼节
37. 下列关于儒家的说法中,错误的是( )。
A. 儒家的创始人是孔子
B. 儒家是先秦诸子百家之一
C. 儒家维护法治
D. 秦始皇“焚书坑儒”儒家受到重创
38. 下列选项中,属于复利的是( )。
A. 活期存款
B. 整存整取
C. 零存整取
D. 10年期定期存款
39. 下列选项中,不属于经济增长标志的是( )。
A. GDP增加
B. 人均GDP增加
C. 社会福利的增进
D. 品种增加
40. 下列不属于商业银行内部控制基本原则的是( )。
A. 制衡性原则
B. 时效性原则
C. 全覆盖原则
D. 相匹配原则
41. 下列关于本币升值产生的影响,说法错误的是( )。
A. 以外币计价的本国出口商品与劳务的价格降低
B. 刺激进口
C. 限制出口
D. 减少经常项目收入
42. 消费者行为当中效用论发展不包括( )。
A. 从主观效用价值论到客观效用价值论
B. 从基数效用理论到序数效用理论
C. 从模糊效用理论到清晰效用理论
D. 从绝对效用价值论到相对效用价值论
43. 封闭经济的总需求不包括( )。
A. 投资
B. 储蓄
C. 政府需求
D. 消费
44. 依据金融监管目标设置两头监管机构的金融监管体制是( )。
A. “双峰式”监管
B. “牵头式”监管
C. 统一监管体制
D. 分业监管体制
45. 下列不属于国际货币基金组织的宗旨的是( )。
A. 促进国际贸易的扩大
B. 促进私人对外贷款
C. 促进汇率稳定
D. 促进国际货币领域的合作
46. 下列不属于风险投资方式的是( )。
A. 提供技术
B. 提供贷款担保
C. 提供贷款
D. 直接投资
47. 国际金本位制制度下实行的汇率制度是( )。
A. 管理浮动汇率
B. 联合浮动汇率
C. 自由浮动汇率
D. 固定汇率
48. 由政策的实施所带来的贸易成本可选择的测算方法是( )。
A. 间接测算
B. 加权测算
C. 直接测算
D. 动态测算
49. 不同国家的可贸易商品物价水平以同一货币计量是相等的,是( )学说的体现。
A. 相对购买力平价
B. 绝对购买力平价
C. 经济论
D. 依附论
50. 世界贸易组织是在进行( )之后,方可申请专家组。
A. 裁定
B. 审查
C. 磋商
D. 起诉
51. 发送者和接受者,一方只发送信息,另一方只接收信息,不管其反馈信息的是( )。
A. 双向沟通
B. 单向沟通
C. 正式沟通
D. 非正式沟通
52. 下列选项中,属于定量决策方法的是( )。
A. 德尔菲法
B. 名义小组技术
C. 线性规划法
D. 头脑风暴法
53. 建立《员工行为手册》属于考核方法中的( )。
A. 关键事件法
B. 书面鉴定法
C. 比较法
D. 平衡计分卡
54. “法约尔模型”又称( )。
A. 行政层级式组织形式
B. 按职能划分的组织形式
C. 矩阵组织形式
D. 事业部制组织形式
55. 中国公民和外国人结婚适用婚姻缔结地法律体现了( )原则。
A. 实体规范
B. 程序规范
C. 实质规范
D. 陈述规范
56. 下列关于行政审判的说法,错误的是( )。
A. 人民法院公开审理行政案件
B. 当事人对停止执行或者不停止执行的裁定不服的,可以申请复议一次
C. 人民法院审理行政案件采取一审终审制度
D. 人民法院审理行政案件,不适用调解
57. 会计报表附注不包括( )。
A. 重要会计政策
B. 会计报表中重要项目的明细资料
C. 企业的基本情况
D. 会计单位变更
58. 下列不属于企业流动资产的是( )。
A. 政府债券
B. 金融债券
C. 期权
D. 国家债券
59. 寄存在文档的宏中的计算机病毒是( )。
A. 文件型电脑病毒
B. 宏病毒
C. 复合型电脑病毒
D. 蠕虫
60. 系统地展开并检查图中的所有节点,以找寻结果的搜索算法是( )。
A. 多层优先搜索
B. 横向优先搜索
C. 深度优先搜索
D. 宽度优先搜索算法
61. 下列不属于电脑上网络端口的是( )。
A. 注册端口
B. 动态和/或私有端口
C. 硬件端口
D. 公认端口
62. 下列关于基于ASIC防火墙的说法,正确的是( )。
A. ASIC的开发周期较长
B. ASIC的开发费用低
C. ASIC的灵活性较高
D. ASIC架构的防火墙芯片功能较多
63. 下列对HTML的表述错误的是( )。
A. HTML是标准通用标记语言下的一个应用
B. HTML通过标记符号来标记要显示的网页中的各个部分
C. HTML是一种规范
D. 对于不同的浏览器,对同一标记符显示效果相同
64. 在一个计算机上汇集了一组处理器(多CPU),各CPU之间共享内存子系统以及总线结构称为( )。
A. 单处理器系统
B. 松散耦合系统
C. 对称式多处理器
D. 主从式处理器
65. 对称式多处理器系统符合的特征是( )。
A. 松散耦合
B. 在一台处理器上执行操作系统,其他处理器执行应用进程
C. 共享独存
D. 各个处理器的地位不相同
66. 企业在计量会计要素时,一般应采用( )进行计量。
A. 历史成本
B. 现值
C. 重置成本
D. 公允价值
67. 由于消费者对某产品缺乏了解,导致该产品在市场上难以打开销路。市场对该产品的需求状况称为( )。
A. 负需求
B. 充分需求
C. 无需求
D. 过量需求
68. 关于市场定位的说法,错误的是( )。
A. 市场定位是企业根据竞争者产品所在的区域,确定本企业产品的位置
B. 市场定位就是要为产品塑造与众不同的形象
C. 当消费者偏好发生变化时,企业可以重新进行市场定位
D. 企业可以从产品的性能、质量水平等方面进行市场定位
69. 某产品在试销成功后,销售量不断增长,成本迅速降低,促销费用也相对减少,利润迅速上升。这种产品处于生命周期的( )。
A. 介绍期
B. 成长期
C. 成熟期
D. 衰退期
70. 生产商利用广告和公共关系手段,极力向消费者介绍产品,使他们产生兴趣,吸引、诱导他们来购买。这属于( )。
A. 推动策略
B. 拉引策略
C. 销售促进
D. 人员推销
第二部分 职业能力测试
1. 如今,改革进入深水区,无论简政放权还是调节收入,仍有部门、地方的利益 ______,仍有保守、畏难的观念______。方此之时,不能进一步解放思想、实事求是,就难以看清各种利益固化的症结,难以找准突破的方向和着力点。
依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 阻挠 藩篱
B. 诉求 限制
C. 掣肘 樊篱
D. 牵制 束缚
2. 不要______,也不要说自己没有才能,是你自己______ 了你的天赋,正确地______自己,选择一条适合自己的路,坚持不懈地往下走,它 ______会有荆棘,但同样会开出鲜花。
A. 怨天尤人 荒废 审视 必然
B. 怨天尤人 浪费 看待 即便
C. 怨声载道 荒废 审查 必然
D. 怨声载道 浪费 审视 虽然
3. ①《国家通用语言文字法》______ 了,我们要认真学习、宣传和贯彻、实施它。
②国家鼓励各民族互相学习语言文字,国家 ______普通话,______规范汉字。
A. 颁布 推广 推行 未能免俗
B. 公布 推行 推广 概莫能外
C. 颁布 推广 推行 概能莫外
D. 公布 推行 推广 未能免俗
4. 许多领导者不会和下属成为朋友,只追求合作伙伴的关系,其原因是担心掺杂了太多的情感因素会导致管理效率降低。没错,职场最终是一个拼实力的地方,即使你的个性不受人欢迎、没什么资历和背景,只要有足够的能力,一样会赢得他人的尊敬和信任。职场中的信任,仅靠好感和情感认同是无法长期维系下去的,而是要靠实力去印证的客观事实。
这段文中意在说明( )。
A. 许多领导不愿意和下属成为朋友是怕掺杂太多的情感因素
B. 职场中下属对领导者信任是要靠领导者的实力去印证的
C. 职场中的信任仅靠下属对领导者的好感是维持不下去的
D. 下属对管理者的信任会对管理者的效能产生影响
5. 从所给四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。

6. 从所给四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。

7. 把下面的六个图形分成两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是( )。

A. ①②③, ④⑤⑥
B. ①③⑥, ②④⑤
C. ①④⑤, ②③⑥
D. ①⑤⑥, ②③④
8. 请选择最适合的一项填入问号处,使之符合整个图形的变化规律。

9. 从所给四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。

10. 对于权力,有人这样主张:有实权干大事,有虚权干实事,没权了干好事。
以下哪项最不可能从上述主张中推出?( )
A. 没有权,不干好事
B. 没有虚权,不干实事
C. 有权了,干好事
D. 没有实权,不干大事
11. 通常情况下,人体内的瘦素和胰岛素能帮人管住嘴巴,一旦吃饱就会发出信号传至大脑,告知人们停止进食。而垃圾食品中含有过量的饱和脂肪,饱和脂肪分子会屏蔽这些停止进食的信息。
由此可以推出( )。
A. 整体均衡饮食,保持营养全面是维护健康的最关键因素
B. 垃圾食品不仅会导致肥胖,还会诱发其他疾病
C. 垃圾食品中含有的饱和脂肪大大超过其他食品
D. 吃饱的信号传至大脑可避免饮食过度
12. 美国一项新研究发现,人体生理反应的节奏跟昼夜交替一致,一旦这个节奏被破坏,人们免疫系统的抗病能力就会降低。
如果以下各项为真,最能削弱上述观点的是( )。
A. 坐飞机到不同时区易产生头疼反胃等时差综合症
B. 熬夜易使胃酸分泌过多而诱发胃溃疡病症
C. 长跑运动后立即大量饮水容易破坏体内代谢平衡而致病
D. 免疫系统先天缺陷病人,即使正常饮食患病概率也很高
13. 英国肯特大学的研究人员让两组志愿者分别玩益智游戏和观看关于跑车的纪录片,然后再让他们进行室内自行车耐力测试。结果,自认为筋疲力尽的第一组成员比第二组更容易放弃。然而,研究者却发现,两组志愿者的血压、耗氧量及心排血量之间并没有差异。
由此可以推出( )。
A. 脑力活动影响体力只是一种感觉偏差
B. 两组志愿者之间的体能素质十分相近
C. 玩益智游戏与看电视消耗的体能相同
D. 体力劳动可以激发脑力劳动者的潜能
14. 研究人员将人体标本低温冰冻后,用工业铣床逐层铣切、逐层照相,输入计算机获取人体连续横断面图像,然后进行人体结构的三维重建。通过计算机技术将采集的数据编辑成可解剖的数字人体,其断面与可解剖的整体人相结合,并且所有结构可以单独显示和旋转,实现了可视化虚拟人体解剖。有了这项技术,各国医学院学生再也不需要去做人体解剖实验了。
以下哪项如果为真,最能质疑上述论断?( )
A. 该技术涵盖了绝大部分人体的解剖结构
B. 虚拟人体解剖对计算机操作的要求很高
C. 可视虚拟人体解剖实验系统的售价很高
D. 所有的解剖学专业术语都只有英文提示
15. 在相同的收入水平上,农村居民家庭比城市或城郊居民家庭有更大的购买力,因为城市或城郊居民家庭中用在食品或居住的一部分收入可以被农村居民家庭用在其他的消费上。
根据以上论述,最能推出以下哪项结论?( )
A. 农村居民家庭在食品和居住上的支出比城市或城郊居民家庭的支出少
B. 城郊居民家庭的购买力要高于城市居民家庭
C. 一般来说,农村居民家庭比城市居民家庭的人口数量要多
D. 三种类型的居民家庭在食品上的支出都超过了在居住上的支出
16. 所有切实关心员工福利的总经理,都被证明是管理艺术高超的总经理;而切实关心职工福利的总经理,都首先把注意力放在解决中青年员工的住房上。因此,那些不首先把注意力放在解决中青年员工住房上的总经理,都不是管理艺术高超的总经理。
为使上述论证成立,以下哪项必须为真?( )
A. 所有管理艺术高超的总经理,都是关心员工福利的总经理
B. 中青年员工的住房问题,是员工的福利中最为突出的问题
C. 中青年员工的比例已经超过90%
D. 所有首先把注意力放在解决中青年员工住房上的总经理,都是管理艺术高超的总经理
17. 环形跑道的周长为400米,甲乙两人骑车同时从同一地点出发,匀速相向而行,16秒后甲乙相遇。相遇后,乙立即调头,6分40秒后甲第一次追上乙,问甲追上乙的地点距原来的起点( )米。
A. 8
B. 20
C. 180
D. 192
18. 从A地到B地的道路如图所示,所有转弯均为直角,问如果要以最短距离从A地到达B地,有多少种不同的走法可以选择?( )

A. 14
B. 15
C. 18
D. 21
19. 学校运动会4×400米比赛,甲班最后一名选手起跑时,乙班最后一名选手已经跑出20米。已知甲班选手跑8步的路程乙班选手只需跑5步,但乙班选手跑2步的时间甲班选手能跑4步,则当甲班选手跑到终点时,乙班选手距离终点( )米。
A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 60
20. 右图为某公园花展的规划图。其中,正方形面积的是玫瑰花展区,圆形面积的
是郁金香花展区,且郁金香花展区比玫瑰花展区多占地450平方米。那么,水池占地( )平方米。
A. 100
B. 150
C. 225
D. 300

21. 从甲地到乙地111千米,其中有是平路,
是下坡路。假定一辆车在平路的速度是20千米/小时,上坡的速度是15千米/小时,下坡的速度是30千米/小时。则该车由甲地到乙地往返一趟的平均速度是( )千米/小时。
A. 19
B. 20
C. 21
D. 22
22. 某次知识竞赛的决赛有3人参加,规则为12道题每题由1人以抢答方式答题,正确得10分,错误扣8分。如果最后所有人得分都是正分,且回答问题最多的人是得分最少的人,那么前两名之间的分差最多为( )分。
A. 8
B. 12
C. 20
D. 40
23. 甲、乙两人分别从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行。甲的速度是8公里/小时,乙的速度是5公里/小时,甲、乙两人相遇时,距离A、B两地的中点正好1公里。问当甲到达B地后,乙还需要多长时间才能到达A地?( )
A. 39分钟
B. 31分钟
C. 22分钟
D. 14分钟
24. 野生动物保护机构考查某圈养动物的状态,在n(n为正整数)天中观察到:①有7个不活跃日(一天中有出现不活跃的情况); ②有5个下午活跃;③有6个上午活跃;④当下午不活跃时,上午必活跃。则n等于( )天。
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
25. 某场羽毛球单打比赛采取三局两胜制。假设甲选手在每局都有80%的概率赢乙选手,那么这场单打比赛甲有多大的概率战胜乙选手?( )
A. 0.768
B. 0.800
C. 0.896
D. 0.924
26. 在一次航海模型展示活动中,甲乙两款模型在长100米的水池两边同时开始相向匀速航行,甲款模型航行100米要72秒,乙款模型航行100米要60秒,若调头转身时间略去不计,在12分钟内甲乙两款模型相遇次数是( )。
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12
27. 3, 4, 6, 12, 36,( )。
A. 72
B. 108
C. 216
D. 288
28. 17, 29, 43, 61, 87,( )。
A. 167
B. 115
C. 259
D. 129
29. 2, 4, 4, 12, 36,( )。
A. 264
B. 396
C. 480
D. 600
30. -7, -5, -1, 5,( ), 23。
A. 10
B. 11
C. 13
D. 20
31. 1, 7, 17, 31, 49,( )。
A. 57
B. 67
C. 71
D. 73
32. 99, 143, 195, 255, 323,( )。
A. 353
B. 366
C. 398
D. 399
33. 1,1,,
,( )。
34. 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.4, 16.1,( )。
A. 32.4
B. 16.4
C. 32.16
D. 16.16
35. 1, 1, 87, 1611, 2,( )。
36. 67, 49, 55, 37, 43, 25,( )。
A. 28
B. 31
C. 36
D. 40
37. 2, ,
,( )。
38. 1,1,3,9,23,( )。
A. 36
B. 47
C. 50
D. 53
39. 2246, 3164, 5180, 6215,( )。
A. 5711
B. 7132
C. 8591
D. 9125
40. 2, 2, 6, 30,( ), 1890。
A. 180
B. 210
C. 360
D. 240

41. 2011年,全国国内旅游收入约为( )。
A. 15247.11亿元人民币
B. 17354.03亿元人民币
C. 18642.37亿元人民币
D. 19308.01亿元人民币
42. 2012年,农村居民国内旅游人数占全国国内旅游人数的比例约为( )。
A. 30.53%
B. 32.43%
C. 34.63%
D. 38.83%
43. 根据上述资料,不能推出的是( )。
A. 2012年,韩国为我国第一大入境客源国
B. 2012年,在20个主要客源国中,六成来自亚洲
C. 2012年,越南是入境旅游人数增长最快的客源国
D. 2012年,非洲地区入境游客仅占入境外国游客总量的2.1%
44. 2012年,中国大陆1~14岁(含不满15周岁)的人口数量为( )。
A. 20652万人
B. 23922万人
C. 22287万人
D. 1635万人
45. 相较于2011年,2012年的乡村就业人员( )。
A. 减少904万人
B. 增加904万人
C. 增加1472万人
D. 减少1472万人
第三部分 英语
Part 1
1. Muriel Ali is the landlord of a______ brownstone apartment building in Brooklyn.
A. loyal
B. forever
C. historic
D. recorded
2. When stocks of Jade Co.______ public, shares increased by more than five percent.
A. go
B. goes
C. gone
D. went
3. All Dressed Up, a popular song by jazz musician Lonny Dangerfield, is featured in ______for Bridgeport Custom Tailors.
A. charts
B. advances
C. recordings
D. commercials
4. Governor Ogden's new economic policies will focus on ______more jobs in Paxton County.
A. create
B. creation
C. creating
D. creative
5. Residents of Pine Beach are divided over plans for a highway aimed at reducing traffic______ by vacationers every year.
A. implied
B. restored
C. generated
D. complicated
6. All international orders are______ via Global Express Mail within five to ten business days.
A. spent
B. enrolled
C. collected
D. delivered
7. For a limited time only, this exquisite collector's item will be offered at forty percent off of the original ______.
A. price
B. piece
C. challenge
D. certificate
8. Despite the delayed release of their digital video recorders, Vibrant Electronics' share ______to grow.
A. continue
B. continues
C. continuing
D. to continue
9. Being able to speak another language well is a great______ when you' re looking for a j ob.
A. advantage
B. chance
C. assistant
D. importance
10. Butter and bread ______their daily food, but the bread and the butter______ up now.
A. is; is eaten
B. are; have been eaten
C. are; are eaten
D. is; have been eaten
11. It is on October 1,2014 that the People's Republic of China ______its 65th birthday.
A. congratulated
B. kept
C. remained
D. celebrated
12. —Is ______here?
—No, Bob is ill at home.
A. anybody
B. somebody
C. everybody
D. nobody
13. With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to ______again.
A. rise up
B. hold on
C. pick up
D. take on
14. This skirt was made______ your mother______ her own measure.
A. for; to
B. for; for
C. to; to
D. for; by
15. ______alone in the dark room, the little girl was so frightened as to cry loudly.
A. Leaving
B. Left
C. Having left
D. To be left
16. The girl likes______ and ______.
A. tomatos, chicken
B. tomatoes, chickens
C. tomatoes, chicken
D. tomato, chickens
17. He wrote a lot of novels, none of______ was translated into foreign languages.
A. them
B. where
C. that
D. which
18. To our surprise, the stranger______ to be an old friend of my mother' s.
A. turned out
B. turned up
C. set out
D. set up
19. I met several people there, two of ______being foreigners.
A. whom
B. them
C. who
D. which
20. When I came back, I found my bicycle was______ .
A. missed
B. losing
C. robbed
D. gone
21. ——Do you agree with what I said?
——I couldn't agree with you______,that's really a good idea.
A. little
B. much
C. more
D. 不填
22. What kind of ______car do you want to buy?
A. ×
B. the
C. a
D. an
23. The national table tennis team______ hard to win honor for China these years.
A. work
B. are working
C. has been working
D. has worked
24. The big snow lasted five days.People trapped in the station were badly in ______of food and water.
A. hope
B. search
C. want
D. charge
25. If there were no hungry problem, the people of the world ______a much happier time in their daily life.
A. should have
B. will have
C. must have
D. have
26. Dr.Smith, together with his wife and daughters,______ visit Beijing this summer.
A. is going to
B. are going to
C. was going to
D. were going to
27. His composition was so confusing that I could hardly make any ______of it.
A. meaning
B. message
C. information
D. sense
28. The number of the stamps ______limited, so a number of people ______to have a look at them.
A. are; want
B. is; wants
C. is; want
D. are; wants
29. It's bad______ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
30. What the remote areas need______ education to children and what the children need______ good textbooks at the moment.
A. were; was
B. are; is
C. was; were
D. is; are
31. The prisoner of war wished to be .Ten years later, he free and regained his .
A. free; was set; free
B. freely; was set; freedom
C. free; set; freedom
D. free; was set; freedom
32. Family education has a great ______on children in many ways.
A. result
B. danger
C. disadvantage
D. effect
33. Don't all speak at once!______,please.
A. Each at one time
B. One by one time
C. One for each time
D. One at a time
34. —This dress was last year's style.
—I think it still looks perfect ______it has gone out this year.
A. so that
B. even though
C. as if
D. ever since
35. Don't forget the day______ you were received into the Youth League.
A. when
B. that
C. at which
D. where
36. How much did you ______fixing the TV?
A. pay off
B. pay back
C. pay for
D. pay down
37. Both teams were in hard training;______ was willing to lose the game.
A. either
B. neither
C. another
D. the other
38. —I wonder why Mary is so unfriendly to us.
—She is______ than unfriendly, I' m afraid.
A. shyer
B. much shyer
C. shy more
D. more shy
39. —Can I use the car now?
—Sorry, but it______ .
A. will repair
B. has repaired
C. is still being repaired
D. was repaired
40. She ______a novel last month but I don't know whether she has finished it.
A. was translating
B. translated
C. had translated
D. has translated
41. — May I take your order?
— Yes, I' d like a cup of coffee, a hot dog and some salad.What about you, Lisa?
— .
A. Me too
B. Same again, please
C. It's all the same to me
D. The same to me
42. — How many students are going to the Great Wall?
— ______.
A. None
B. No one
C. No
D. Not any
43. He came home after midnight, and ______,he was drunk.That made his parents very angry.
A. What is more
B. On the other hand
C. In my opinion
D. In another word
44. He did better in the exam not only than______ in her own class but also than in mine.
A. any other student; any student
B. anybody; anybody
C. anybody; anybody else
D. the other; others
45. The theory he had stuck ______to be true.
A. proved
B. to proving
C. to prove
D. to proved
Part 2
Londoners are great readers.They buy vast numbers of newspapers and magazines and of books—specially paperbacks, which are still comparatively cheap in spite of everincreasing rises in the costs of printing.They still continue to buy“proper”books, too,printed on good paper and bound between hard covers.
There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in book-selling.Perhaps the best known of these is Charring Cross Road in the very heart of London.Here bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the celebrated one which boasts of being“the biggest bookshop in the world”to the tiny, dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dicken's time.Some of these shops stock, or will obtain, any kind of book,but many of them specialize in second-hand books, in art books, in foreign books, in books on philosophy, politics or any other of the myriad subj ects about which books may be written.One shop in this area specializes solely in books about ballet.
Although it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to buy books, Charring Cross Road is not the cheapest.For the really cheap second-hand volumes, the collector must venture off the beaten track, to Farringdon Road, for example, in the East Central district of London.Here there is nothing so grandiose as bookshops.Instead, the booksellers come along each morning and tip out their sacks of books on the small barrows(流动售货车)which line the gutters(街沟).And the collectors, some professional and some amateur, who have been waiting for them, pounce(一把抓住)upon the dusty cascaded(一叠叠图书).In places like this one can still, occasionally, pick up for a few pence an old volume that may be worth many pounds.
1. “Londoners are great readers”means that ______.
A. Londoners are great because they read a lot
B. there are a great number of readers in London
C. Londoners are readers who read only great books
D. Londoners read a lot
2. Charring Cross Road______ .
A. is in the suburbs of London
B. is famous for its bookshops
C. contains various kinds of shop
D. is the busiest street in London
3. If you want to buy really cheap second-hand books, you must______ .
A. venture in a most busy street
B. venture away from a busy street
C. take the risk of being beaten off the street
D. take the risk of wasting time to hunt them in less noticeable street
4. The book sellers on Farringdon Road ______.
A. keep fine bookshops
B. keep only small bookshops
C. sell books on handcarts
D. sell the same books as the bookshops on Charring Cross Road
5. The best topic for this passage is ______.
A. Bookshops in London
B. The biggest bookshop in the world
C. Charring Cross Road
D. Buying books in London
Most people believe they don't have much imagination.They are wrong.Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to access it.Creativity isn't always connected with great works of art or ideas.People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems.Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! Here are three techniques to help you.
This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do.Then find an image, word, idea or obj ect, for example, a candle.Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles:light, fire, matches, wax, night, silence, etc.Think of as many as you can. The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do.So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present, you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the night.
Imagine that normal limitations don't exist.You have as much time/space/money, etc, as you want.Think about your goal and the new possibilities.If, for example, your goal is to learn to ski, you can now practice skiing every day of your life because you have the time and the money.Now adapt this to reality.Maybe you can practice skiing every day in December, or every Monday in January.
Look at the situation from a different point of view.Good negotiators(谈判者)use this technique in business, and so do writers.Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books.They ask questions:what does this character want? Why can't she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she dream about? If your goal involves other people, put yourself“in their shoes”.The best fishermen think like fish!
6. According to the passage, when we become adults______ .
A. we can still learn to be more creative
B. most of us are no longer creative
C. we are not as imaginative as children
D. we are unwilling to be creative
7. According to the first technique, if you need to solve a problem______ .
A. you could find an image and try to link it with the problem
B. you should link it with candles
C. you have to think of buying a present for a friend
D. you should link it with as many words as possible
8. The second technique suggests that you j ust imagine ______.
A. setting a goal is as simple as skiing
B. you have every resource to achieve your goal
C. new possibilities will soon appear
D. December and January are the best months for skiing
9. The phrase“put yourself in their shoes”in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. dress yourself like them
B. do as they ask you to
C. think as they would
D. put on their shoes
10. We learn from the third technique that a good salesman should ask himself______ .
A. what do I usually do
B. what did my boss tell me to do
C. what are my customers' needs
D. how should I sell my products
Baekeland and Hartmann report that the“short sleepers”had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens.But at about age 15 or so, the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work,and other activities.These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions in their daily routines.
In general, these“short sleeps”appeared ambitious, active, energetic, cheerful, conformist(不动摇)in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices.They often held several jobs at once, or worked full-or part-time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear“normal”or“acceptable”to their friends and associates.
When asked to recall their dreams, the“short sleepers”did poorly.More than this, they seemed to prefer not remembering.In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away.
The sleep patterns of the“short sleepers”were similar to, but less extreme than, sleep patterns shown by many mental patients categorized as manic(疯人).
The“long sleepers”were quite different indeed.Baekeland and Hartmann report that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood.They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were quite concerned when they were occasionally deprived of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest.They tended to recall their dreams much better than did the“short sleepers.”
Many of the“long sleepers”were shy, anxious, introverted(内向), inhibited(压抑), passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves(particularly in social situations).Several openly states that sleep was an escape from their daily problems.
11. According to the report,______ .
A. many short sleepers need less sleep by nature
B. many short sleepers are obliged to reduce their nightly sleep time because they are busy with their work
C. long sleepers sleep a longer period of time during the day
D. many long sleepers preserve their sleeping habit formed during their childhood
12. Many“short sleepers”are likely to hold the view that______ .
A. sleep is a withdrawal from the reality
B. sleep interferes with their sound j udgment
C. sleep is the least expensive item on their routine program
D. sleep is the best way to deal with psychological troubles
13. It is stated in the third paragraph that short sleepers______ .
A. are ideally vigorous even under the pressures of life
B. often neglect the consequences of inadequate sleep
C. do not know how to relax properly
D. are more unlikely to run into mental problems
14. When sometimes they cannot enjoy adequate sleep, the long sleepers might______ .
A. appear disturbed
B. become energetic
C. feel dissatisfied
D. be extremely depressed
15. Which of the following is NOT included in the passage?
A. If one sleeps inadequately, his performance suffers and his memory is weakened.
B. The sleep patterns of short sleepers are exactly the same as those shown by many mental patients.
C. Long and short sleepers differ in their attitudes towards sleep.
D. Short sleepers would be better off with more rest.
What exactly is a lie? Is it anything we say which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that? For example, suppose a friend wants to borrow some money from you.You say“I wish I could help you but I' m short of money myself.”In fact, you are not short of money but your friend is in the habit of not paying his debts and you don't want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this.Is this really a lie?
Professor Jereald Jellison of the University of Southern California has made a scientific study of lying.According to him, women are better liars than men, particularly when telling a“white lie, ”such as when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful.However, this is only one side of the story.Other researchers say that men are more likely tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling.This is the kind of lie politicians and businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at:the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in some way.
Research has also been done into the way people's behavior changes in a number of small, apparently unimportant ways when they lie.It has been found that if they are sitting down at the time, they tend to move about in their chairs more than usual.To the trained observer they are saying“I wish I were somewhere else now.”They also tend to touch certain parts of the face more often, in particular the nose.One explanation of this may be that lying causes a slight increase in blood pressure.The tip of the nose is very sensitive to such changes and the increased pressure makes it itch(痒).
Another gesture which gives liars away is what the writer Demond Morris in his book Manwatching calls“the mouth cover”.He says there are several typical forms of this, such as covering part of the mouth with the fingers, touching the upper-lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side of the mouth.Such a gesture can be interpreted as an unconscious attempt on the part of the liar to stop himself or herself from lying.
Of course, such gestures as rubbing the nose or covering the mouth, or moving about in a chair cannot be taken as proof that the speaker is lying.They simply tend to occur more frequently in this situation.It is not one gesture alone that gives the liar away but a whole number of things, and, in particularly, the context in which the lie is told.
16. One sometimes tells one's friend a“white lie”because one wants to______ .
A. make a profit from the other person
B. avoid offending the other person
C. convince the other person
D. have some fun
17. One research suggests that women______ .
A. generally lie far more than men
B. tend to tell more serious lies than men
C. make more promises they can fulfill than men
D. are better at telling less serious lies than men
18. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. politicians tend to tell intentional lies
B. men are less skilled at telling lies
C. businessmen seldom break their promises
D. women tend to make false promises
19. People may rub their noses when they lie because______ .
A. they suffer from high blood pressure at the time
B. the nose is the most sensitive part of the human body
C. the nose reveals the liar more easily than the other parts of the face
D. they do so in order to stop themselves from telling more lies
20. Which of the following is not a gesture to suggest that one lied?
A. He or she will rub the nose.
B. Liars tend to cover part of his or her mouth.
C. The liar is likely to put on a red face.
D. Liars are likely to have more frequent movement when sitting in their chairs.
The law says that women should have the chance of doing the same jobs as men and earn the same as them.
The reality is very different.Women lose because, 25 years after the Equal Pay Act, many of them still get paid less than men.
They lose because they do lower-paid jobs which men just won't consider.And they lose because they are the ones who interrupt a career to have children.
All this is reported in an independent study ordered by the Government's Women's Unite.
The biggest problem isn't equal pay in workplaces such as factories.It is a sort of work women do.
Make a list of the low-paid jobs, then consider who does them.
Try nurses, secretaries, cleaners, clerks, teachers in primary schools, dinner ladies, and child care helpers.Not a lot of men among that group, are there?
Yet some of those jobs are really important.Surely no one would deny that about nurses and teachers, for a start.
So why do we reward the people who do them so poorly? There can be only one answer——because they are women.
This is not going to be put right overnight.But the Government which employs a lot of them, and other bosses have to make a start.
It is disgraceful(可耻的)that we have gone into the 21st Century but still treat women as second-class citizens.
21. Women should have the chance of doing the same jobs and be paid equally as men ______.
A. after 25 years
B. according to the law
C. as a result of the Equal Pay Act
D. because women are as strong as men
22. We can learn from the text what the problem really matters is______ .
A. that women interrupt a career to have children
B. what sort of work women do
C. because they are women
D. what an unfair pay women get in workplaces
23. Which of the following best describes the writer's idea?
A. Women should get equal pay for equal work to that of men.
B. Women should strengthen(加强)themselves.
C. The Government ought to protect women against getting paid less than men.
D. Some of the jobs that women do are of great importance.
24. When the writer says, “This is not going to be put right overnight”, he means ______.
A. we must solve the problem very quickly
B. there is no completely fair thing all over the world
C. we need a long time to change the unfair reality
D. the problem that women lose will be solved soon
25. Which do you think would be the best title for this passage?
A. Work to give women a fair pay deal.
B. Time to change the situation.
C. Equal work, equal pay.
D. Should women be treated as second-class citizens.
The days of elderly women doing nothing but cooking huge meals on holidays are gone. Enter the Red Hat Society—a group holding the belief that old ladies should have fun.
“My grandmothers didn't do anything but keep house and serve everybody.They were programmed to do that, ”said Emily Cornette, head of a chapter of the 7-year-old Red Hat Society.
While men have long spent their time fishing and playing golf, women have sometimes seemed to become unnoticed as they age.But the generation now turning 50 is the baby boomers(生育高峰期出生的人), and the same people who refused their parents' way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old.
If you take into consideration feminism(女权主义), a bit of spare money, and better health for most elderly, the Red Hat Society looks almost inevitable(必然的).In this society, women over 50 wear red hats and purple(紫色的)clothes, while the women under 50 wear pink hats and light purple clothing.
“The organization took the idea from a poem by Jenny Joseph that begins:When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple.With a red hat which doesn't go, ”said Ellen Cooper, who founded the Red Hat Society in 1998.When the ladies started to wear the red hats, they attracted lots of attention.
“The point of this is that we need a rest from always doing something for someone else, ”Cooper said, “Women feel so ashamed and sorry when they do something for themselves.”This is why chapters are discouraged from raising money or doing anything useful.“We' re a ladies' play group.It couldn't be more simple, ”added Cooper's assistant Joe Heywood.
26. The underlined word“chapter”in Paragraph 2 means______ .
A. one branch of an organization
B. a written agreement of a club
C. one part of a collection of poems
D. a period in a society's history
27. From the text, we know that the“baby boomers”are a group of people who______ .
A. have gradually become more noticeable
B. are worried about getting old too quickly
C. are enjoying a good life with plenty of money to spend
D. try living a different life from their parents when they were young
28. It could be inferred from the text that members of the Red Hat Society are______ .
A. interested in raising money for social work
B. programmers who can plan well for their future
C. believers in equality between men and women
D. good at cooking big meals and taking care of others
29. Who set up the Red Hat Society?
A. Emily Cornette.
B. Ellen Cooper.
C. Jenny Joseph.
D. Joe Heywood.
30. Women join the Red Hat Society because ______.
A. they want to stay young
B. they would like to appear more attractive
C. they would like to have fun and live for themselves
D. they want to be more like their parents
When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother's Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly.People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.
My mother has realized the limitations of her English as well.When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend I was she.I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her.One time I had to call her stockbroker(股票经纪人).I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs.Tan.”
And my mother was standing beside me, whispering loudly, “Why he don't send me check already two week long.”
And then, in perfect English I said:“I' m getting rather concerned.You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn't arrived.”
Then she talked more loudly.“What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.”And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I can't tolerate any more excuse.If I don't receive the check immediately, I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”
The next week we ended up in New York.While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs.Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.
When I was a teenager, my mother's broken English embarrassed me.But now, I see it differently.To me, my mother's English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural.It is my mother tongue.Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom.It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.
31. Why was the author's mother poorly served?
A. Because she was unable to speak good English.
B. Because she was often misunderstood.
C. Because she was not clearly heard.
D. Because she was not very polite.
32. From Paragraph 2, we know that the author was ______.
A. good a pretending
B. rude to the stockbroker
C. ready to help her mother
D. unwilling to phone for her mother
33. After the author made the phone call, ______.
A. they forgave the stockbroker
B. they failed to get the check
C. they went to New York immediately
D. they spoke to their boss at once
34. What does the author think of her mother's English now?
A. It confuses her.
B. It embarrasses her.
C. It helps her understand the world.
D. It helps her tolerate rude people.
35. We can inter from the passage that Chinese English ______.
A. is clear and natural to non-native speakers
B. is vivid and direct to non-native speakers
C. has a very bad reputation in America
D. may bring inconvenience in America