第87章 XV.
Speed, Malise, speed! The lake is past, Duncraggan's huts appear at last, And peep, like moss-grown rocks, half seen Half hidden in the copse so green;There mayst thou rest, thy labor done, Their lord shall speed the signal on.--As stoops the hawk upon his prey, The henchman shot him down the way.
What woful accents load the gale?
The funeral yell, the female wail!
A gallant hunter's sport is o'er, A valiant warrior fights no more.
Who, in the battle or the chase, At Roderick's side shall fill his place!--Within the hall, where torch's ray Supplies the excluded beams of day, Lies Duncan on his lowly bier, And o'er him streams his widow's tear.
His stripling son stands mournful by, His youngest weeps, but knows not why;The village maids and matrons round The dismal coronach resound.