第170章 IV.
'They held debate of bloody fray, Fought 'twixt Loch Katrine and Achray.
Fierce was their speech, and mid their words 'Their hands oft grappled to their swords;Nor sunk their tone to spare the ear Of wounded comrades groaning near, Whose mangled limbs and bodies gored Bore token of the mountain sword, Though, neighbouring to the Court of Guard, Their prayers and feverish wails were heard,--Sad burden to the ruffian joke, And savage oath by fury spoke!--At length up started John of Brent, A yeoman from the banks of Trent;A stranger to respect or fear, In peace a chaser of the deer, In host a hardy mutineer, But still the boldest of the crew When deed of danger was to do.
He grieved that day their games cut short, And marred the dicer's brawling sport, And shouted loud, 'Renew the bowl!
And, while a merry catch I troll, Let each the buxom chorus bear, Like brethren of the brand and spear.'