第146章 XIII.
The Saxon paused: 'I ne'er delayed, When foeman bade me draw my blade;Nay more, brave Chief, I vowed thy death;
Yet sure thy fair and generous faith, And my deep debt for life preserved, A better meed have well deserved:
Can naught but blood our feud atone?
Are there no means?'--' No, stranger, none!
And hear,--to fire thy flagging zeal,--
The Saxon cause rests on thy steel;
For thus spoke Fate by prophet bred Between the living and the dead:"Who spills the foremost foeman's life, His party conquers in the strife."'
'Then, by my word,' the Saxon said, "The riddle is already read.
Seek yonder brake beneath the cliff,--
There lies Red Murdoch, stark and stiff.
Thus Fate hath solved her prophecy;
Then yield to Fate, and not to me.
To James at Stirling let us go, When, if thou wilt be still his foe, Or if the King shall not agree To grant thee grace and favor free, I plight mine honor, oath, and word That, to thy native strengths restored, With each advantage shalt thou stand That aids thee now to guard thy land.'