第243章 Chapter LXXVIII.
A delusive, delicious consultation or two of this kind, betwixt my uncle Toby and Trim, upon the demolition of Dunkirk,--for a moment rallied back the ideas of those pleasures, which were slipping from under him:--still--still all went on heavily--the magic left the mind the weaker--Stillness, with Silence at her back, entered the solitary parlour, and drew their gauzy mantle over my uncle Toby's head;--and Listlessness, with her lax fibre and undirected eye, sat quietly down beside him in his arm-chair.--No longer Amberg and Rhinberg, and Limbourg, and Huy, and Bonn, in one year,--and the prospect of Landen, and Trerebach, and Drusen, and Dendermond, the next,--hurried on the blood:--No longer did saps, and mines, and blinds, and gabions, and palisadoes, keep out this fair enemy of man's repose:--No more could my uncle Toby, after passing the French lines, as he eat his egg at supper, from thence break into the heart of France,--cross over the Oyes, and with all Picardie open behind him, march up to the gates of Paris, and fall asleep with nothing but ideas of glory:--No more was he to dream, he had fixed the royal standard upon the tower of the Bastile, and awake with it streaming in his head.
--Softer visions,--gentler vibrations stole sweetly in upon his slumbers;--the trumpet of war fell out of his hands,--he took up the lute, sweet instrument! of all others the most delicate! the most difficult!--how wilt thou touch it, my dear uncle Toby?